Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The 17th of the 19th,
In a month of 9.
I have lasted 17,
With 17 more to go.

Interpret the mini poem... haha... I'm still bored with my attachment! Yesterday, I left work early claiming that I was not feeling too well. True, I was sick the previous day, and I could have stayed on, but what for? Haha... So I left and went to watch a movie with mum. It was Rogue Assasin and it was only alright for me. Unexpected ending... Anyway, how was I supposed to know that my supervisor came back?! He said he wasn't coming back and I trusted him! Why can't he just stick to his word? Haha.. If the gossiper and complainer Mdm Pand beside me didn't tell me, I would not have known and would have lied about it completely! So thanks to Mdm Pang I guess...

I had a crazy weekend. On Saturday, I helped my cousin Spencer collect something. So because of that, I had to rush home, take a shower, dry my hair and leave for Shereen's party all in half an hour! It was in Pasir Ris and I ended up being almost an hour late! Then on Sunday, I accompanied Kal to buy shoes. She didn't spend a cent and I ended up spending $53 on Anna Sui stuff (a lip gloss and purple eyeliner!)! Haha.. In the middle of the day I started to get a headache, which turned out to be a migrane, my first! At night I went to watch ''I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry''. It was real funny and Jessica Biel was so hot! The headcahe persisted until I decided to ''take off'' on Monday. I think it was cos of the crowd that I got a migrane! Singaporeans are so inconsiderate!

So since my computer at work is so lousy that it won't allow me to view my blog (or others for that matter), this post is all about the events in my life that involved posting of pictures.

Here's some pictures of my prison cell and me looking bored in it...

Here's Ting, Jac and I at Clementi kbox on Sept 13. Jac had some trouble finding Ting and I, we told her we were waiting in front of NTUC. 10 minutes later, she called Ting and asked ''is NTUC the same as Fair Price?'' And she was standing right under the sign when she asked us that! Haha...

The 4 of us haven't been together in awhile, so I took the chance to get a quick snapshot before we left Bryan's birthday party!

While walking out from prison today, I came across this dead rat. Sad... It seemed to be only a ''teenager'' rat. And it must have been quite recent cos it hasn't begun decomposition yet.


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