Wednesday, November 11, 2009

There's a New Moon

I'm on the mailing list of Borders and they sent a voucher that says I can get a Stephanie Meyer (Twilight) book for 50% off. Now, that's a pretty good deal! I decided to succumb to popular culture and see what the fuss was all about.

So I dragged my mum down to Borders and of course there's a catch. The 1st 2 books in the series are already at a discounted price of $12 which means that I can't use my voucher. But still, $12 is a good bargain. So I got the 1st 2 books and managed to use my voucher for the 3rd book. All of them cost about $33. Bargain, yea!

I'm pretty free these days and since this was a teenage book, it was pretty light reading and I got through the 563 pages of New Moon in 3 days and 1 night. That's fast for my standard and ya, it was quite interesting. I watched the 1st Twilight movie and am now ready for the 2nd one. I got a feeling... Although most books kick their movie's ass, I think for once, the movie might be more interesting than the book... I dunno.. Guess I'll have to wait until 3 December to find out! 2 weeks after the American release, btw...

And Angie, my dear friend.... I think I'd rather join Jacob's pack. Hee.... I think he's sweeter! :)