Saturday, May 15, 2010

Night is Day.....

Life these days... Go to work as the sun sets, taking the same route and arriving an hour early for preparation. Queue up for my uniform, change, walk like a million miles to the scheduling place, check what game I'm at, groan/sigh/roll-my-eyes, drag meself to me locker, get a drink of water, report in to a pissed and tired pit manager, start shift, get bored, mind wanders, make stupid mistake cos not paying attention, wonder how long am I gonna do this, finally get a break after 2 hours or so, grab whatever food/liquid, go back to finish my shift, smile when it's over, check out when the sun is about to rise. Then I slowly make my way home, sleep, wake up at around 3-4pm and do it all over again.

I know this is similar to what a lot of people go through but I gotta tell you, working night shift and having to do the main part of your job with people staring at you (you can't slack off or dig your nose or whatever) really takes it out of you... So far I've always stayed at my job for only about 6 months and I thought I might be able to really stick this one out. But like a lot of my colleagues, we're getting kinda bored! And totally losing patience with the management. I think we're being very kind and understanding that they're new and figuring things out but if they don't sort things out by the 3rd month that we're open..... Be prepared to hold another recruitment drive!

Ok, enough about work... I do have a life!!!

Cos of my schedule, I haven't been able to see my friends so much. Cos when they're working, I'm sleeping and when I'm sleeping they're working (I sound like a broken record). I think the last friend I met up with was Kal at the beginning of April. And bestie.... haven't seen her since her birthday! During training my off day was Sun and I know she has church and her boyfriend so I don't wanna disturb her and now that I started work... Sigh.... really got no chance to meet up. But she was the first one to ask of any birthday plans so thanks girl! At least I know someone out there other than my mum will celebrate my birthday for me and I appreciate it so much! :)

Movie watching is still going fine. The Back Up Plan was not bad.... But anytime I see Jennifer Lopez try to pass off as a working class, ordinary woman it just makes me not bother about the film. Ha... To me its like a Poodle trying to pass off as a chihuaha or something... it doesn't make sense!

Watched Robin Hood today and I think it was a nice film.... Think because I fell asleep a lot! We watched the 4.50pm show which to a lot of people is a nice time but to me it feels like 8am! Anyway, what I did see I liked. Confused about casting Cate Blanchett though... I mean, is Robin Hood's girlfriend supposed to look like a pretty 40-year old who needs a lil more makeup? She delivers feist and class perfectly but what's up with the look for the character? Gotta do more research before I judge... And Russell Crowe gave a good performance as usual. He does look like he's frowning a lot though.... hmm.... Oh and I think Gerard Butler would make a better Robin Hood. But with Ridley Scott as the director, I don't think anyone stood a chance!

Lastly, I rented Post Grad and I really liked it! Its about his girl, 22, just graduated from college and learns that things won't go her way like she planned. She then goes on a journey to discover what's really important in life. It's a simple movie but it kinda has an indie feel to it and I'm a sucker for those kind of movies!

I'm turning 22 in one week! Don't even know how to feel about that! Except... soon I can say that I'm in my mid twenties! Yikes! It seems like only yesterday that I was in my teens!!!!