Monday, September 24, 2007

Inconsiderate People


I used to get real angry with inconsiderate people. Now that I'm older and travel more often, and therefore deal with them on a daily basis, I am frankly quite used to them.

I was typing away on my computer when unexpected conversations started between my next-cubicle neighbours. My neighbour on the left is called Mdm P (I shan't say the real name) and the one behind me is called... ''nameless guy'' (he hasn't spoken a word to me in the four weeks that I've been here). Mdm P asked ''nameless guy'' to help her put a piece of cardboard at the air-son duct to block the ''freezing'' air-con. Like that will honestly help, I mean, the cardboard is smaller and air will surely escape! Anyway, as ''nameless guy'' was on a stool helping her put the useless cardboard up, she said 'put the cardboard nearer to my side, I'm very cold'. True, the air-con is very cold, to the point where my fingers turn blue everyday, but you're not the only person that is cold! I did not like her from the beginning. On my 1st or 2nd week, she started telling me about some office politics. Being in band last time, I knew not to tell the newbies about past politics, because it would harm their perception of others, when they should be able to judge other people for themselves. She also puposely boards up her cubicle with big black boards, which essentially cuts her off from contact with other people. I'm usually quite good at judging people, and I knew she was not a very sincere person since the first time she started talking about politics. I'm not gonna bother about her, because I seriously do not like insincere people and I will not waste my time getting to know them.

My mother always stressed that manners are very important, especially towards your elders. Since I am the youngest in my generation of my family, I have been practising manners since I could remember (although there was a period during damn puberty when I did not practise manners!). One of the first things you should do when you first meet someone is to get their name right and remember it. If that person is much older than you, especially in a working environment, you should always use term like 'Miss', 'Mrs', 'Mr', etc, before you say their actual name. When I came in here, before all my hopes were crushed, I made an effort to remember their names. Now, you think that it would be kinda easy to remember my name, since they already knew each other and they just had to remember one more. Even though my name is sort of unique, it can't be that hard to remember! Anyway, no one her seems to practice common manners. They always start talking to you with exactly what they want to say, instead of calling you by your name first. I can bet you, the pathetic amount of people reading this blog, that no one in my office, except maaaaybe 3 (which is not even in my room), knows my name. I'm not sure if my supervisor even knows my name! I already planned that on the last day, before I leave this prison for good, that I intend to ask, maybe videotape, my supervisor what my name is! Muahahahaha... Sweet revenge!

If I had 50 cents for every inconsiderate act I witness everyday, I would make an extra at least $5 everyday!

Be nice, people! You could really make someone's day and you would be surprised if it makes you feel better too! :)


14 more days...


Reporting from the land of boredom, this is K.T.! With my infinite boredom and the amount of free time that I have in the office, I spend my time surfing websites and trying to learn something that is actually useful to me. So on one of my usual boring days, I decided to do this:

Synonyms for the word ''boring''

Synonym - noun- A word or expression accepted as another name for something

Hope ya'll learned something!

On a seperate note, I have come up with a list of my top ten favourite animated movies. I bought ''Meet the Robinsons'' over the weekend, and this reminded me that I wanted to do this a long time ago. These movies are arranged according to how mush I can remember of them, besides how much I like them. So here it is...

1. Ratatouille
2. Meet the Ronbinsons
3. Shrek
4. The Incredibles
5. Over The Hedge
6. Thumbelina (1994)
7. The Lion King
8. Anastacia
9. Finding Nemo
10. The Land Before Time (the earlier ones)

Other movies worth mentioning are Balto (first one), Tresure Planet, Spongebob Squarepants (I prefer the show), Lilo and Stitch, Polar Express, Corpse Bride, Monster House, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Madagascar. There are many more films that are just ok to me, but are not mentioned here.

Until later...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The 17th of the 19th,
In a month of 9.
I have lasted 17,
With 17 more to go.

Interpret the mini poem... haha... I'm still bored with my attachment! Yesterday, I left work early claiming that I was not feeling too well. True, I was sick the previous day, and I could have stayed on, but what for? Haha... So I left and went to watch a movie with mum. It was Rogue Assasin and it was only alright for me. Unexpected ending... Anyway, how was I supposed to know that my supervisor came back?! He said he wasn't coming back and I trusted him! Why can't he just stick to his word? Haha.. If the gossiper and complainer Mdm Pand beside me didn't tell me, I would not have known and would have lied about it completely! So thanks to Mdm Pang I guess...

I had a crazy weekend. On Saturday, I helped my cousin Spencer collect something. So because of that, I had to rush home, take a shower, dry my hair and leave for Shereen's party all in half an hour! It was in Pasir Ris and I ended up being almost an hour late! Then on Sunday, I accompanied Kal to buy shoes. She didn't spend a cent and I ended up spending $53 on Anna Sui stuff (a lip gloss and purple eyeliner!)! Haha.. In the middle of the day I started to get a headache, which turned out to be a migrane, my first! At night I went to watch ''I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry''. It was real funny and Jessica Biel was so hot! The headcahe persisted until I decided to ''take off'' on Monday. I think it was cos of the crowd that I got a migrane! Singaporeans are so inconsiderate!

So since my computer at work is so lousy that it won't allow me to view my blog (or others for that matter), this post is all about the events in my life that involved posting of pictures.

Here's some pictures of my prison cell and me looking bored in it...

Here's Ting, Jac and I at Clementi kbox on Sept 13. Jac had some trouble finding Ting and I, we told her we were waiting in front of NTUC. 10 minutes later, she called Ting and asked ''is NTUC the same as Fair Price?'' And she was standing right under the sign when she asked us that! Haha...

The 4 of us haven't been together in awhile, so I took the chance to get a quick snapshot before we left Bryan's birthday party!

While walking out from prison today, I came across this dead rat. Sad... It seemed to be only a ''teenager'' rat. And it must have been quite recent cos it hasn't begun decomposition yet.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Funny Quotes


This is how bored I am... Two posts in one day. I said that I would share some funny writings if I found any. Well I have! Here are some of the best...

If you are a dog and your owner suggest you wear a sweater, suggest that he wear a tail - Fran Lebowitz

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to 99 cents a can. That's almost $7.00 in dog money. - Joe Weinstein

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. - Rita Rudner

(For Kal) Cats regard people as warm blooded furniture. - Jacquelyn Mitchard

Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place. - Billy Crystal

Life is a sexually transmitted disease. - R.D. Laing

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance? - Edgar Burgen (This is my motto in the office)

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. - James M. Barrie (wow, my work is really work then!)

People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up. - Ogden Nash (my pay's miserable)

Hope that entertains you all... Speaking of entertainment, there's alot of hype about Britney Spear's recen performance at the VMA's. I say give her a break! She's a mum of two, so her belly is never going to look the same again! That was a stupid wardrobe choice on her part though. And about her lip-syncing... What's new? Haha...

I am normally a rock kind of person, but radio seems to favour the pop world much more. So these day when I listen to the radio, these two songs capture my attention. ''Potential break up song'' by Aly and Aj and ''Foundations'' by Kate Nash. I don't like Aly and Aj, but that song is catchy! And I like Kate Nash's brutally honest song, it really just sounds like a story.

I'm working on a list of something right now, so I guess i'll be posting it up soon!

Hey People,

I'm reporting from my prison cell today! It turns out that I can't upload pictures, which absolutely sucks. All the normal functions of blogger that I have on my own computer, seem to disappear over here.

So I thought I'd share something with all of you today. When I was browsing through yahoo answers one fine day, I came across this answer that I think the person wrote him/herself. I have a liking for poems, so I was attracted to the way this person wrote it. This is from chieriog:

A Heart Disease Called Love

One kiss became a weapon,
I don't want to bleed in vain.
Clouds collide in the heavens,
I surrender to the rain.
The death bells that also rang
Like madness from above.
I'm going out with a bang
And a heart diseases called love.
Ninety-nine below zero,
Would seem like forever now.
You know me, no hero
Don't even ask me how.
I'm down in the deep deep freeze,
What was I thinking of?
In the painful breeze
By the frozen trees
With a heart disease called love.
After dinner mints, a new lover,
And the coffe's so bitter and black.
Your fingerprints they cover
This knife sticking out my back.
You overlooked the fine details,
You should have worn your gloves.
I've got a girl in jail, a house for sale
And a heart disease called love.

I like how in the beginning, the alternate sentences rhyme with each other. The best part, I find, is ''Your fingerprints they cover, this knife sticking out my back''. So simple and yet so true! If this poem is written by a famous person, and you know about it, please let me know! And just so anyone reading this knows, i'm not this sad person (if you've read my other original poem, you would know), I just found this interesting, that's all. If I find one that's more cheerful then I'd post it! Haha...


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My 12th day in prison...


Today is the 6th year anniversary of that horrific act...

Today is also the 12th day of my meaningless existence at that prison cell they call an office. Really, the key to having fun at work is to have good relationships with your colleagues, in which I have none. They're all so much older than me, and oh so boring! Do they even know the meaning of entertainment?? Sometimes I hear them laughing about... turbidity levels! Ok, so the measurements are different than the past... what's so funny? Honestly...

Recently the other prison guards in my office have noticed that I don't really have anything to do. Gee, I wonder what is it that gave me away? Hmm... Maybe because I spend 3-quarters of my day actually doing nothing? Today the other two women didn't even turn up, so the office was quieter than normal. I don't mind, as long as my primary prison guard is not there. For example, today he did not come in at all. I watched two movies, wrote a poem for a friend's birthday, and managed to squeeze in a couple of lines in my report! He stayed in the office the whole of yeaterday, and even though i got a bit done on my report, it was dead boring. He either completely trusts me and therefore leaves me alone with my work, or he doesn't give a shit about me, and leaves me alone with my work. I seriously doubt it's anything in between. When you are BORED OUT OF YOUR MIND, you discover you have a real talent to entertain yourself! Whether that is a good or bad thing, I don't know.

I thought I could update my blog frequently, but it turns out that I can't see my own blog! Sure, I can update it, but I can't see what i'm doing! The end result that is... I can't even go to see other people's blog! And because that faggot secondary prison guard keeps walking by my table, I can't really go to other websites either! That really f***ing pisses me off...

My laptop is my baby, and it keeps me company during my daily sentence. Last week, I finished watching season 2 of Prison Break. That's when I realised that my situation was like the situation in jail. Except that I don't have to pee in front of others and I don't have anything in common with the people around me. I also don't have the very hot Lincoln Burrows (a.k.a. Dominic Purcell) in my company. Darn... Oh well, I'll just dream about him then! Haha... There is seriously not one decent-looking guy over here. And the engineers... They don't really seem to have personal hygiene! I once caught one guy scratching his butt with his car keys... while he was standing with his back to me! I'll give my primary prison guard credit though... if he wasn't short as hell and has a butt that's smaller than my 13 year old niece's butt, he'd be decent-looking. Wow, imagine if Lincoln/Dominic was my primary prison guard... hmm... the hours would pass by faster! haha...

I've also started to write some of my scripts. My mind really wanders around in that prison cell... Kal gave me a writing assignment! I even wrote some detailed autobiographies of my sims characters! Writing is basically the only thing i can do over there that actually makes me look like i'm doing something! I just write whatever comes into my mind, and store it on my laptop. I really love my laptop...

Ok people, I've seemed to reserve all my thinking for the office! Hopefully I can update my blog more often when i'm in the office. Maybe load a few pictures too. I'm praying that will take a while, since the computer that they provided me with is pretty f***ed up!

These blog entries about my boredom can be pretty boring to read, i know, so i hope that I can pull some energy out of my convict body to write something more interesting the next time! Meanwhile, I hope you all find my interpretation of attachment life entertaining...

Hope the rest of you are having fun!


Monday, September 3, 2007



ITP: Introduction to a Tiresome Profession. (note that tiresome is another word for DULL or BORED, its in the Thesaurus...)

Yes people, ITP time has come. As boring as it seems, I'm glad for this opportunity as is has opened my eyes to what I do NOT want to be doing as my future career.

The following recount has names and places modified to protect, well, me.
Let me explain a typical day here... I come in around 8.30. My supervisor a Mr. ''K'' doesn't come in until around 9. He told me to come at 8, but after a few days of him not coming on time anyway, I decided ''screw it'' and come at 8. The frst day was a real dud. I didn't do anything and worst still, he left after awhile! He's also in charge of another plant so half the time is not here. I'm not really complaining, as whenever he's not here, I take out my laptop and start watching videos! So on the 2nd day, I was bored as usual, so I asked him what I could do to help or what he wanted me to do. He asked ME what I wanted to do. WTF. He's from a country that's between China and India, so his accent is like a mixture of both countries. The first day, I couldn't understand what he was talking about half the time! I still have problems now, on my 6th day. And he's worked here for 8 months and some people don't know his name! Until I say ''the short, dark guy with the funny accent''. Then they go ''oh...''. That made me feel better, after the 7th person or so, said that he keeps to himself. I thought he disliked me or something! My computer, the very one that i'm typing on right now, is facing his cubicle, and he can so obviously see it! So there goes my evil genius plan of going into other sites when in the office. I can only check mails, reply them, or like right now, post stuff on my blog.

I'm into my second week here, and my assignment, yes assignment, is to do research and understand the different procedures of the water treatment process. Something like that... his accent, I couldn't get what he was saying and I didn't want to ask twice. It was initially quite simple, but I decided to give myself a challenge, a more complicated topic, so that my assignment can be dragged out for 2 weeks or so. Now i'm doing a report on the process and technical aspects of wastewater treatment and NEWater. I basically have the NEWater part down, its the wastewater part that is slowing me down.

On my first couple of days here, I was so bored that I made up this list:

1. Listen in to people's conversations (if any)
2. Wonder why the air con is so cold and how your fingers can turn blue
3. Look at your blue fingers
4. Master the art of staring into space and blanking out (you'll find when your mind is blank, time passes faster)
5. Feign work by turning your back on others (helps if you're in a cubicle like me) and sleeping, but do it so it looks like your reading. Don't forget to wake up once in awhile to turn a page or scroll down
6. Write stories that make fun of people you don't like or like me, about your late ''sims''
7. Read something you actually want to read, like a storybook or your messages
8. Hide your MP4 under your desk and secretly watch a movie or something while pretending to read. Again, don't forget to turn the page or scroll down
9. DON'T count down the time
10. Take extended toilet breaks... frequently
11. Sneak a peak at other people's belongings and hope you find something juicy
12. Observe your surroundings. Carefully. Look out for details
13. Think of what else you could be doing. Allow that wonderful thought to fill your head.
14. Test message as though your life depended on it
15. Make a list of ''ways to pass time in a boring environment''

Hoping all is well,