Sunday, December 27, 2009

A weekend of noise

I understand your need to celebrate, I really do.... it's your special occasion, after all. But do you need the whole fucking neighbourhood to suffer in your celebration? I don't know if you can call it a celebration when the other 300 odd people in the neighbourhood is suffering. No such thing as a quiet weekend when you're celebrating!

And what is with the bad singing? REALLY? I mean, really? Its not enough that you're making NOISE, but you can't even have a little decent music?

ARGH...... SHUT UP!!!!!!

P.S. Now looking forward to going to the Idol finals to experience real singing. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Slacking with Mr ''URTI''

My exercise plan was going pretty well. Up until recently, I went to exercise at the gym or swim or some other activity like 2 or 3 times a week. Last week, I decided to exercise everyday. Went to gym on Mon and Tuesday, rested my muscles on Wednesday, then swimming on Thursday and Friday. I don't go out and exercise on weekends for fear of the many misbehaved kids.

This week, I went to swim 16 laps. And then I fell sick! Haha... I had had a sore throat over the weekend but nothing to worry about, then now its grown to full on phlegm. I hope its not, but it might be the beginning of the Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) again. Which, if anyone recalls, I had one earlier this year and a really bad one last year....

So now I can't even sing at home cos my voice just can't do it. I just spent the day totally slacking adn that's what compelled me to write this rather mundane post.... And hearing some advendtures from my sis who just got back from Belgium, Germany, Holland and Paris. You know, its my dream to go to that area, but our dollar is so weak among the Euro that I might not have as much fun there.... :(

Left with 100 more pages in Dracula. It's difficult to read an unabridged version of a classic book cos they really write differently in the past. And the words that I don't understand, sometimes I can't even find in the dictionary cos maybe its an old word or something.... I've been reading this 440+ page book for over a months already. Wanna faster finish it so I can go on to something much easier, like Twilight's Eclipse. Ha.

Friday, December 11, 2009

3 brothers and a distant cousin

Watched An Education at Vivo's Cinema Europa with May Ann on Monday. I liked the movie. For me, the title has a double meaning to it and I do recommend this film to young ladies like myself. Lead actor Peter Sarsgaard could have been more man candy, but I think his face and eyes make up for his lack of muscles and a lot of chest hair! I like his look but I think a lot of ladies here might not like his look, so it was an interesting casting choice!

After the show, I thought about it for a while and came to this conclusion....

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present... from left: Kiefer Sutherland (24), Peter Sarsgaard (Flightplan) and Ewan McGregor (Star Wars, Moulin Rouge) !

Someone please cast them as brothers??? They do bear a sort of resemblance to one another, no? And they do have the tendency to play troubled characters.... So I'm thinking.... 3 estranged brothers who are torn apart by a family dispute, but they have to come together to save the day! And if you really wanna make it interesting, you can let Kiefer do his ''I'm very manly, give me your gun'' thing. Peter can extort money out of someone, while Ewan distracts them by singing his heart out! Oh, and Jude Law could play a very pretty distant cousin or something....

Something to think about........ :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Referring to my previous post... Yes, the New Moon movie is better than the book. I'm so on team Jacob. Now looking forward to Cirque Du Freak the movie. Also about Vampires and I read during my secondary school days.

On another note....

I'm still waiting for my next job to start. Its been 3 months since I've been unemployed. People think its sooo easy to stay home and not do anything. Ya, you try it. See if you can stay at home, have an inquisitive, questioning mind and be completely alone with nothing to distract you from yourself. Just you and yourself in a death ring of life and questions. Ya, its easy.

With so much time to think, one thing that pops into my head is how completely and totally insignificant I feel. Recently, I went on a short trip to KL. My mum had a ton of people to inform about the trip and there were people who were like 'huh... why you going? What will we do without you?' I didn't tell anyone about the trip. I thought 'why bother?' Then, this crossed my mind.... Would anyone miss me if I'm gone?

Yes, I might look like I have the perfect life from the outside. Wake up people... NO ONE has a perfect life. I just don't tell you certain stuff and you don't bother to look deeper.

I appreciate the people in my life soooo much... just for being who you are, you are enriching my life. Did you know that?

But these days, everyone is moving on with their life and its ok! I'm happy for you!

Its just that now... its just me, my thoughts, nothing to distract me from them and no one to save me.

I dreamed I was missing you were so scared
But no one would listen cause no one else cared
After my dreaming I woke with this fear
What am I leaving when I'm done here
So if you're asking me I want you to know...
When my time comes forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And don't resent me and when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
I'm scared. But that's alright... I think.