Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Someone invent a Teleportation Machine!

I fell asleep on the bus today. I've been doing that everyday, really. My producer called me and woke me up. I panicked, thinking that I had missed my stop. And since every bus stop along that road looks the same, you can't blame me.

That's when I got a little frustrated. I live very much in the west and am therefore out of the way for a lot of things. That means travelling time will always be longer than most.

I hate how I have to spend 1 whole hour of my life just to travel to get to somewhere. If only there was a safe time machine that everyone could use. We would get so much more done.

I saw this girl who was doing her homework on the bus home (her handwriting was neat!) and I was thinking: great for her! But I can't do that! Reading is a fantastic thing to do on the bus, but not when the bus driver likes to step on his brakes at every possible chance! I don't wanna lose my lunch ya know...

So please, someone invent a teleportation machine... Or at least a faster bus route from my place to other possible places.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend wind-down

Ah, finally, a weekend I worked for! Went out with my poly girls last night and it was so nice to catch up with them and see Jojo's new look and real Gucci bag!!! I haven't had pics on my blog in a while, so here they are...

I know its a little overdue, but here are some pics from my cousin's signing of the wedding thingy (haha).

Well, its back to work tommorrow. Wow... haven't said that in a while! My diet is totally KIV right now and as I'm typing this, i'm eating a yummy-ly sinful cup of cup noodles! Hopefully I can work out a plan for next week... :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's a New Path

Hey all... I'm busy pretty with work these days. The hours are longer than expected but no 2 days are the same so far. I've gotten to meet some interesting people and I had my 1st live show on Tuesday! I had to come in at 9am and leave at 10.30pm though... Tiring but fun.

Unfortunately, I cannot talk about my job here. If you really wanna know, just ask me when you see me. :)

Take care!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I've been pretty busy these past few days. My uncle is visiting from Australia, I attended 2 weddings and it was my Dad and Mum's birthday.

Cousin Charleston had his wedding dinner which was at Novotel Clarke Quay and it was pretty nice! I like the decoration... The balloons at the ceiling were a very nice touch. My nephew and nieces, towards the end of the dinner, took some of the balloons and sucked in the helium! They were funnny... Then the next day was cousin Bryan's ROM signing (if that's what you call it) over at his house. It ended pretty quickly and the food I thought was not enough for all the guests. The festivities ended rather early and cousin Jess and I watched A Walk To Remember while the rest left for home or other activities. No super interesting pictures so I shan't post them up. ;)

For Dad's birthday we just went to Zhou's Kitchen at Jurong Point. The food was great and the service was excellent. They especially made a cake for us and we sang happy birthday veery loudly so that everyone looked at us! Then yesterday was Mum's birthday. It was a family affair. We went to Ritz Carlton for lunch (dim sum) then walked around Marina Square. Dad won Francis Yip concert tickets so he and mum went to watch it. Sis wanted to have dinner with her boyfriend and I was on the verge of being alone. Luckily I asked Kal and she was free to meet up! So we went for an impromptou dinner. We haven't seen each other for a month and that, for us, is pretty long! It was nice to catch up with herand tell her about the things that I've been going through. You understand me girl!

I find that in these modern times, special mass holidays like Christmas and Valentine's day seem to lose their meaning. Instead they become a time for mass consumption... Sadly, I am kinda one of their victims... Yeasterday, I practically spent my ang pao money. I bought a beautiful pair of white Birkenstock which was $98. Then a Harry Potter wand (Lupin' wand) which was $91. Then a Chanel lipstick for $40. And an All American Rejects CD for $18. I wanted to spend more but I resisted! Haha... but pretty soon I'm gonna be spending my own money cos...

I got the job as an Assistant Poducer! I start work on Monday! Wish me luck ya'll! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The 2nd year

I used to cry when I thought of you in the past tense.

It's different now.

Only happy thoughts of you remain.

And if any tears should be shed, its because I miss the way you make me feel.

You didn't need smart words or talent.

You just needed me to care for you and to love you.

Lessons learnt over 15 years.

They don't know what they're talking about.

Everyday your smell gets fainter.

How you felt in my arms is now a distant memory.

I could go on forever but I think its enough.

Forever, you'll be missed.

Thank you for being you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My House 2009

I just love it when people come over and my house is all neat and clean! This year we had to invite people over earlier (we usually do it like the last weekend of CNY) but cos this year we have 2 weddings to attend on the last weekend, our plans changed. Which mean... people still have other visiting to do. Our yearly invite ended very early with everyone leaving, on a
Saturday night, at a very lame 9 p.m.!

But all was good... I think it went ather well. This year there were a few new additions and they were well received by everyone. I didn't want to gamble but cousin Shaun was bugging everyone to gamble so I took out $10 and... lost it all! Haha... but mum covered me back by giving her winnings. She started out with $4 and ended up with $14! So now my ang pao money went up by that much!
Watching TV.

Them gambling. I told Issy to do a funny face and she gave me that. How charming.

Some of my nephews and nieces. Aw... they're growing up!

My dear cousins and I in my beautiful room! Seriously, I love my room! :)

Alright... so that's basically it for CNY this year. Only one left is cousin Jess' house. And 2 weddings. I'm proud to report that my ''losing weight'' thingy is kinds working! I can fit into things better now, so hopefully by end of this year I'll look different, eh? :)