Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY 2009

This year was pretty fun, I must say! There were a few changes to the visiting schedule this year, but I had so much fun at the houses I did go! I was just telling mum that this is my favourite celebration cos there's just so much to do! Like, I can't imagine those angmohs where all they look forward to is Christmas and maybe New Year. I mean, we do those too but they don't do what we do, ya know? Haha... And even though I don't speak the language that well, I really enjoy my culture. :)
Here comes the pictures...

My family just before we left for visiting

Ah, the entire extended family, all the cousins! And the 2 little ones were even looking at the camera!

My sis and I shocked all our nieces and nephews with our very bad rendition of ''My Humps''. 'Nuff said.

Cousin Jess' friend found this adorable silky terrier and I decided to name it Lunar. Not sure if he'll stick to the name though..

My other half of cousins at Cousin Trixy's house.

After a rather fun time at Jac's house (we entertained ourselves of course) playing cards (I won $10!), shouting at Taboo and laughing at lotsa things, we took this goofy pic right before we left.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Franken Berry

Ok, its no surprise that I love My Chemical Romance and absolutely idolise the words and music of this wonderful band. Allthough many people think that lead singer Gerard is way cool (don't tell him that, he doesn't ever wanna be cool), he is in fact a totally sweet, cute geek at heart. Here's a blog post of his that's on the band's official website

posted by Gerard on Jan 18, 2009 11:22pm

-does a guy have to do to find some Frankenberry in the state of California?Did they stop making it? Do they still make it and just don't ship it to Los Angeles?Am I going to have to order some of Amazon?
Picture that for a minute...just close your eyes let your imagination bring this scenario to life...
A person, me, you, whoever- logging onto amazon, pulling out an actual credit card, inputing the exact numbers and the desired shipping address, possibly even selecting "Next-Day Air" to get some goddamned Frankenberry in a motherfuckin' cereal bowl.
I have searched several supermarkets in the last month and have not come across ANY of the cereal monsters. They always have Lucky Charms and all that other awesome sugar-shit but no F-Berry.
I don't even know how I even ended craving it in the first place, but I now have it strong.
***update***I am just now learning that there are some people that live in California that have never even HEARD of Frankenberry. I mean I don't even know what to say about've been deprived...I'm sorry.Heres all you need to know-It's cereal that tastes like "strawberry flavor" but it's not exactly "strawberry flavored".It has marshmallows.It gives you pink sugar-milk.Frankenberry has a giant head and red nail-polish...and he has two friends (he used to have a third but Fruit Brute is a bit elusive) -Heres a's listed as a"Monster Trilogy" of no shit...

HAHA!!! Click on the WTF link to see the picture of this cereal that he's talking about. You can also read of his comic fetish and reality TV ''obsession''...

I am having a fantastic Chinese New Year! I haven't uploaded the pictures yet, but expect them sometime soon...

Friday, January 23, 2009

5,4,3,2,1... Game On!

I'm in pain cos... I went to play paintball! Haha... Thanks to cousin Spence I finally got to try something I've wanted to try in a while! The place was near Yishun and that prawn fishing place and I went with the dragon boat people. The people are nice, the game is fun and it costs about $50.

It was real fun too... Unlike Laser Quest, this one is so much more exciting cos if you get shot, it will HURT! We played at night so it was cool and windy. I got like 7 shots and a huge ass scrape on my knee cos I slid to the barrel. And I found out that I was not bad! We had to shoot down a small cone before we could collect our targets and I'd take it down in like 10 seconds!

We had to wear a mask to protect our face and man was it stinky from other people's sweat! And we wore our own clothing, they did not give us a guard or something so our clothes were all spattered with paint. And for someone quite large... I didn't get hit in the torso that much! I got hit on both knuckles, my side, right knee, left arm, back and butt which I didn't even feel (prob too much flesh there!). The bruises are real interesting too. Here are the ones in the more exposed areas...
This is my arm. The white spot is where the paintball hit and you can pretty much see the rest of the impact!

This is my knee scrape. On the left you can see where another paintball hit. It doesn't look as bad in pictures, so those that'll see me during CNY, you can see the real deal!

On Tuesday I went back to the zoo to say hi to people and to my friend who's going back to the Phillipines. I was pretty happy people still remembered me, but I could tell some forgot my name! But most importantly, the ones that I was nice with greeted me with a smile!

Today (Thursday), mum and I did something we haven't done in a while... we watched 2 movies in 1 day! We caught a 12.45 show called Love Matters. Another Jack Neo movie. People... don't expect too much from it... The ending was not good and it wasn't believable. Have an open mind while watching it. The 2nd movie was... Inkheart! Quite an interesting movie, I must say. I who love books kinda enjoyed this movie. The special effects were awesome and I love the set design. If you watched the trailers for this movie you'd probably notice some writings on the characters/animals. Interesting how that came about! So Inkheart is recommended!

I'm looking forward to Bride Wars next week and... Chinese New Year! Ang Pao... here I come! :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Knights of Dust

Isn't it amazing how dust just seems to creep into every single possible place? NOT!!! Man... when you don't touch something for a year, it just fills with dust. As if you haven't guessed, I did my share of spring cleaning today. Some noticeable changes in my room this year... I got 3 new shelves from Ikea! Yes... I finally got them. That day was real nice too. We went to watch Changeling (I cried a few times. Its very emotional), had Kenny Rogers for lunch (at Great World) then went over to Ikea where Sis joined us too.

I spent the whole of next day fixing it and 2 days after that to rearrange my room. And now its safe to say that its 95% done! I just have to put up new stuff on my walls. So, here are my new additions...
My books finally have a proper space to rest! And bookshelf Billy has Billy Junior for company now!

Ikea had a perfect shelf but we felt it was overpriced so we bought 2 cheaper shelves and stcked them on top of each other!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Old Days

On Jan 10, me and my poly girls went back to the place where it all began...

Yea Man!

We were not happy that we couldn't get the goody bag cos we were not born in the year ''1993 or later'' but we amused ourselves by meeting our lecturers and going around school...

Kal and I reminisced on our FYP by visiting the new solar technology centre! The 1st pic is the more common photovoltaic cells, the ones that you'll mostly see around. The 2nd one is embedded in the windows! Cool, saves space, provides shade but not very effective. Why wasn't this space around when we did our FYP???

I always liked this area but it was usually occupied by the cleaning auntie during lunch!

When we were stressed from our projects, this is a recuring theme in our photos! :)

We found an open classroom and snuck in! Trying to act out the old days...

This is how much we love our school... even the toilets mean something to us! Haha...

After that, I showed the girls my old house followed by a session of Kbox with En. Thanks Kal for driving us around! :)

Yesterday, someone from a job interview I had with a big company called me back and asked if I was still interested in the job! And today, while I was having my hair cut, someone from Prudential called about an interview for financial advisor! That one sounds fishy... I told them I'll think about it and they said they'll call me back but they didn't. Oh well... maybe tomorrow then. That one doesn't matter much to me.

Besides that, I'm still doing the same thing. I started eating healthy so I hope that that will go well! And I've been quite the handy woman too, fixing up shelves for sis and mum. I just wish that I'd get my shelves asap!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Search Is (not) Over

Nothing much going on around here. Jus pretty much slacking everyday. And looking for job of course. After the ''advertising'' job turned out to be... not an advertising job, I'm more cautious than ever. With the recesion now, I'm just gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best. For those that could possibly be affected by all this, all the best!
On Jan 6, went out with my 2 dearest cousins for a shopping trip at Vivo! This is honestly the first time I went shopping without my mum and I certainly felt the pinch! I managed to buy a new year's dress and hairbands. Man, that day was fun and I certainly felt very girly that day, just walking around and laughing with them.

It was also the day after cousin Jess' birthday so... Happy Birthday! :)
The (emo) birthday girl

Ok, this is just something I wanted to share with you guys. We bought this bottle from Ikea to put water or something in our fridge. My mum washed it before we used it and this was what happened when, I think, she put a little soap inside! It was such an interesting picture that I just had to take Violet out and snap it! Oh, what would we do without our digital cameras?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Music of 2008

Happy New Year everyone! How was your new year? I spent Jan 1 having a real nice dinner with my extended family. And sis came along too! Then we headed over to Jess' place and had a blast playing Taboo! Let's do another round!

I didn't have time to post this last year so here it is...

2008 in music was alright. Funny, I can't really remember too much about it! So no lists for this category. I'm more picky about my music so I don't have enough to make a ''top ten''. Here's some music stuff that struck a chord in me last year.

Ash. Thanks to cousin Trixy, sis and I managed to get free tickets to go see Ash. A trio from Ireland that plays somewhat alternative rock music. It was at Fort Canning Park and we got prety good lcoations. 2nd row and the girl in front of me was short so I got a full view of the singer. The bass player was sexy man. Great night...

Goldspot. This really little known band from LA is, I find very cool. The singer is Indian and you totally can't tell when you listen to them. Go check them out on Youtube. I really like Friday.

Paramore. I think I really got into them when ''That's What You Get'' came out. Before, I just totally admired lead singer Hayley for her beautiful voice and I love how they write and compose their own songs! Then ''Decode'' came out about the same time with their DVD and I was hooked. Go check out acoustic versions of their songs on Youtube. Wonderful.

We Will Rock You. Early in 2008, one show changed my view on musicals. It was the most rocking musical I ever watched and I had the pleasure of watching it twice! For details, check out my previous blog post about it... February I think.

Singfest. My number 6 moment of the year. And I got to meet One Republic! If only we got there earlier to get better seats. But still, it was awesome and I had a great time with Sis and her friends!

The Script. The best discovery this year. The first time I saw them was at last year's MTV Asia Award. After so many out-of-tune artists that performed, they came on, were in tune and had a wonderful song. ''The Man Who Can't Be Moved'' was my number 1 song of the year. Their CD was pretty awesome too and their Irish accent is kinda charming! Go check them out if ya got the time...

I hope that this year there will be more interesting acts coming to Singapore. I reeeaally hope that acts like Paramore, The Script, All American Rejects and Jason Mraz will come. MCR is currently taking a break, being normal people, so I wish them all the best and guys, please come out with new material soon! And if not, have a few kids! Haha... :)

2009 is upon us. Let's all hope that it'll be a better year and that the recession will pass us quickly, ya?