Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Rather Productive Day

These days, I usually go to sleep at around 4.30+. I'd wake up at around 12+. I get more than enough sleep, so when its time for me to go to bed, I have a hard time falling asleep. So, in order to rectify this problem, I decided to get up earlier today (10.30) and stay fully awake until the Chelsea match at 2.30 which means I'll be sleeping at 5, then wake up at 9 and meet Kal later in the day. Ya know, the whole readjustment of the body clock thingy. I gave in and took a nap just now at 10+. Sigh...

Anyway, today is ''a rather productive day'' cos I painted! I hadn't painted since March 7 2007 and that was a simple black and white painting. This time I played with colours and I used stuff around the house: fork, toilet roll, rubber band and candle. I would take a picture of it and post it, but it was more of an experimental painting and therefore not particularly good. But, it did give me an idea for my next one!

I also did some housework, which is rare these days! :)

Finally, my cousin Jessica came over to try and install Sims! It was unssuccessful though.. I didn't realize I had this many Sims games!

I finally figured out how to put my blog name on the picture! Hee... Thanks Jess!

I checked my reporting time for graduation today. I got an ''achievement in CCA, Bronze''. Pretty happy with that! I can't believe its happening.. Seems like only yesterday I was rushing for projects and hanging out with my girls, being stressed together and now its all over. Three years of my life for a piece of paper. Was it worth it? Guess I'll have to wait and see...

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