Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Real Fruit-y Quote

From the current book I am reading, Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones...

''Today, I wish to speak on what the lychee can teach us. Sweet things are never worn on the outside. But like a lychee, a person's sweet smile says nothing about a person's heart. A smile can be a trick. To stay sweet, you have to protect yourself. Girls, protect your sweet from the boys. Look at the lychee. Would it taste so sweet if its fruit was exposed to the sun and the rains and the longing of dogs? No. Them fruits would dry up and shrivel. They'd lose their sweetness which is why the lychees sweet part sits behind a hard shell. Everyone knows this to be true, but hardly anyone ever asks why...''

Try to stay sweet everyone, whether you're a girl or boy... :)

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