Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First days of activity

Yesterday was my orientation. Boy, a whole lot of briefing was done! Today, Tuesday was the first day of training. So far its alright. I don't really like the beginning part when everyone is still shy and not really talkative... So far the people are nice. Not a whole lot of them are my year... A lot of mid twenties and above. And a significant amount of aunties and uncles! Like my mum and dad's age! And they even speak the hokkien exactly like them. Quite a whole lot of foreigners... The usual suspects la... I won't mention in detail.

As with most work, I can't say much about exactly what I'm doing. Most of you who know me know what I'm doing and the rest can just guess!

Its now 12.35am as I am writing this. I just got home not long ago. My training will only end at 11pm from now on! I don't really like the timing cos its like an ''in between'' time. Starts in the middle of the afternoon and ends late at night. Can't really meet up with friends cos they all working in the morning and can't meet them at night too cos its too late! Why coudln't I have been given the one that ends at 3pm? Haha...

At least I have 1 friends through all this... Sharilyn whom I've known for quite a while now! We're in different groups so can only see each other in passing but its better than nothing! By the time I come home, I think there's just enough time to watch something online while my hair dries or go my usual sites, then go to sleep, wake up in time for brunch and its off to work again! I hope the pace picks up! :)

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