Friday, February 12, 2010

CNY prep

Chinese New Year is coming! I've been quite busy preparing for it. Since I'm still stuck at home for now waiting for work to start, I decided to help my mum out. I practically cleaned the whole kitchen, cleaned the bar counter (except for the wine and liquor cos I like the dust on them!), swept certain parts of the ceiling, cleaned every corner of my room and almost every other detail in my house. I'm like ready to be a housewife! Haha... I mentioned to my mum that I don't think my friends do this much for spring cleaning. Also, I noticed that since I graduated, I've never been employed during the X'mas and CNY period! Maybe that's why? I dunno... Friends, do you spring clean the house?

Yesterday (10Feb) was my dog Dixie's 3rd death anniversary. I'm totally ok with it now. We occasionally mention her in conversation and talk of her stupid but adorable habits. Like she always stood staring at the door wanting to go out then the moment you let her go out, she wants to come in again! And when she wants food and you ask her to do 1 trick like sit, she'll end up doing all she knows so you can give it to her faster! And when she smells something she doesn't like, she'll put her nose underneath her left hind leg and walk away! I miss you Dixie. And I generally miss having something furry around the house (besides the dust bunnies). This after falling in love with a chewing guinea pig at great world city!

Valentine's Day is coming up. Went to watch the movie Valentine's Day today. Never really bothered about that day cos its my mum's birthday. In a way, I'm really glad cos I know that my family would somehow have to celebrate her birthday together, so I'll never be alone. I shudder to think how alone I'd be if my mum's birthday wasn't on that day!

After finally receiving the start date of my work (22Feb), I'm glad to report that my mental health is better! I keep myself busy with spring cleaning and I don't have depressive thoughts about 80% of the time. Just as well... the previous posts that I mentioned my depressive feelings could just as well have been suicide letters cos no one bothered to ask. Not even a mention on my tag board. Considering taking it down... Hmm...

Only a few more days before CNY! Have a feeling it'll be an interesting one. Hopefully a good interesting! :)

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