Saturday, April 11, 2009


Phew! One down and a few more to go! This is the first time in a month where I got a weekend to myself! Last weekend was the end of my show and this week was the end of another show that I helped out on! I also said goodbye to one of my colleagues, so the past 7 days were really something different...

Boy, this job is un-normal hours, but the things that I get to do and the people that I get to meet are truly unique!

There's a new woman on the job and she's got experience. That's really helpful! I'm so glad that she's here so that she can help out more and I can learn from her too! Now I know, experience is a really big advantage. Even if you have a really good degree or whatever, unless that degree teaches you how to survive in real life, it doesn't count for much.

Aren't the things we learn in school supposed to be useful? They make you memorize so much crap but they never teach subjects like ''how to deal with difficult people'' or ''human-ology 101'' or even ''workplace survival''. Sure, when you go Poly they teach you one step further but is there a way where schools can truly prepare you for the workforce? Or is everyone just supposed have a crash course in learning what really matters?

Ah, enough about work! I met up with Bestie today who is down with an allergy reaction that gives her rash! Darn!

I also watched 3 movies so far this weekend. Knowing, crossing over and the fast and the furious 4. I fell asleep during fast and furious, an action movei, after I had 8 hours worth of sleep. I think that tells you enough... Crossing over is a really intense film about how people are doing anything they can in the hopes of finding a better life in America. Knowing is the best of the 3. This highly un-publicized film stars Nicholas Cage and you gotta have an open mind when watching it. But the visuals are AMAZING. I mean, the last time I had my mouth open when I watched a movie (cos it was visually stunning) was probably 300. It had me crying and just curling up in my seat, wanting to close my eyes but couldn't bring myself to do it. Go watch it. And confessions of a shopaholic, but warning: its a girly movie!

I bought a book today called Quirkology. Another one of those useless facts book. I only read like 10 pages so far but I know that the date of your birth doesn't really affect how you are as a person. I hope to finish my other book, the picture of dorian gray by this month? I've been working on it since February so hopefully I can finish it soon so I can move on to the next one!

I've put a few new photos up on facebook, so guys, go check it out!

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