Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Portrait

Life is grreat right now. Work is fine and I just got my pay! Hee.. Gotta limit my spending if I'm gonna save more! My one (hopefully) expensive purchase this month will be for my hair cut and highlight. Gotta get it trimmed before the next project starts!

I have more time to read now. Recently, I finished The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Unabridged, first edition (copy), mind you... :) Its a book about influence and how Dorian got a wonderful painting done of him, a painting that showed his true soul because everytime he did something bad, a scar would appear on his portrait but he would remain ever youthful and untouched. In the end, it was revealed that the picture was more of Dorian's conscience, hidden behind a beautiful purple and gold curtain. He tried to run away from it, but it was always bugging him. Until one day he decided to destroy the picture. I shan't reveal the end to you now...

I think that is something many people hope for these days. They wanna have youth and a pure-ness about them but rarely anyone can do that now. You see SO many beautiful people but you just never know how their portrait will really look. What's behind that beautiful curtain?

I'm sure we all hide our bad thoughts and deeds away in some corner of our mind. But as the book is trying to say: you can never run away from them. Sure, you get battle scars from life, but when it comes time to face your portrait, will it kill you?

My portrait has a few scars already (of course). Though, they're not really self-inflicted. Someone else did that. As some of you might know, I am blessed to have my life. My portrait is not so different from me right now. I am still young. But when I look at my scars, I know how they got there. Each one. Don't ever lose track of your scars...

What will your portrait look like?

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