There's been a lack of pictures on my blog recently, so I've decided to finally put some work pictures up...
Here's Karmilah and I right before Jungle Breakfast. We were waiting to start so i decided to whp out my phone and take a picture...
And here's a picture of me taken by Nizam, who came in the same time as me, just 4 days later. I didn't expect him to take such a close-up picture, especially after walking around all day (look at the shine on my face!), but the point was to see my name on the pacer (like a walkie) cos I finally got my own! And on Sunday I got my own earpiece as well! :)
Things are going alright at work. Most of the keepers are quite fun and I like the interaction with tourists. Recently I encountered a german girl who was a fan of hte german football team too, and a real cute girl came up to me and asked me where the ''money shop'' was. She was asking for the ATM... :)
Yesterday was my day off too. I wanted to go to town to try to get some accessories which was uneventful, but mum and I bought a whole bunch of DVD's! She struck 4-D again, so we bought I Am Legend, Eastern Promises, Dan In Real Life and Step Up 2. Mum bought a CD for herself. Before we did that, we went to Hip Diner and I ate a LOT! I eat when i'm happy so I had a sausage-thingy, milkshake and an extra mashed potato. I was FULL! Then I met my old senior Chan Wai Keen! Real pleasant surprise... We also went to watch Wedding Daze starring Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher. It was rather entertaining but wasn't a well made film. The editing was kinda bad and the script, although funny and entertaining, didn't have a whole lot of depth. I recommend it if you just wanna have a laugh...
Hope ya'll are doing better!